Saturday, April 26, 2008

Occam's Razor

Wednesday I had my last law school class, a Corporations pseudo-review session. (My professor: "I don't want this turning into a pop-quiz of the professor. Don't go asking me for the elements of the Business Judgment Rule.")

A week from today is my Corporations final, my only one. (I also have a paper due in another class, but all it needs is a polishing.) When I was a 2L a 3L friend advised me wisely to take as few exams as humanly possible in the last semester. I'm reading an Emmanuel's supplement and taking CALI exercises online.

Also, I cashed in my Westlaw points! (Westlaw and Lexis are the legal databases. Students are granted free access and opportunities to earn "points" that cumulate throughout law school. Reminder: they expire 30 days after you graduate!) I chose a 10-blade kitchen knife set (about 3000 of my 4000 points).

I guess you get what you pay for: it only had 9 knives.


Anonymous said...

Most likely a 10-piece knife set, where the wood block is the last piece. Marketing at its finest!

Sansserif said...

Interesting theory! I'd buy it, except there were 10 slots in the block! ;-)

Eric Goldman said...

Am I the only person troubled by the idea of Westlaw giving away potentially deadly weapons (9 of them, no less) to prospective lawyers? Eric.