Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Birthday Present

So, good news! I've been hired, though it's not a salaried position. It's a contract position, but it's for a very big, very badass software/hardware company. I'm not going to name it, but if you've read this blog the following will probably let you figure it out. Nevertheless, I have to give credit where credit is due.

I met the in-house counsel of this company while I was in law school. We connected on LinkedIn, and my blog link is on my LinkedIn profile. As it happens, this person was also a blogger, so we stayed in touch. People are always talking about whether blogging pays. My answer is that it can be a networking tool.

Anyway I'm pretty excited. They told me I'm free to keep looking for something more permanent, but when I asked they said it wasn't impossible for a contract attorney to get hired in...


Biting Tongue said...


Mark Kerzner said...

When chrischeatham twitters about you, nothing is impossible

Mark Kerzner said...

And Happy Birthday too!

Eric Goldman said...

Blogging does pay!

gudnuff said...

So on linkedin, it shows your real identity, right? There is no way I could blog if I thought anybody that knew me in real life could track down my blog. Sigh. Which sucks, since I will NOT get job offers through linkedin, by fellow bloggers, even though I think blogging rocks. I really envy people who are able to do it un-anonymously.

Sansserif said...

I actually just 'came out' with my real identity on my blog. There's self-censorship involved, but the benefits can be pretty huge. The reality is that there's no such thing as anonymity online - it's just a matter of how difficult you make it for people to identify you.